Showing posts with label stream to img. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stream to img. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Stream the Raspberry Pi Camera Module from Node.js to an img Tag in the Browser, Part 1 - The Server (Updated)

Update 1
Update 2


So, I know this is a pretty specific use case, but it was something I really wanted to be able to do for an open source project I'm working on. The VLC Web Plugin used to be able to handle receiving video from the VLC program on the Raspberry Pi, but Google decided that the VLC Web Plugin was insecure and barred it from appearing in Chrome any longer (and I expect other browser developers to do the same). Out of necessity, I came up with a different solution. I thought I would separate this topic out into it's own post because my project is pretty far from being done and I thought this could be useful to someone now without having to wait.